Your result for Test yourself: What alignment are you?...
Neutral Good
You are The Benefactor; Neutral Good.
You scored 59% Lawful and 83% Good, which makes you Neutral Good.
Chaotic-Lawful is the ethical scale, on which you scored 59%, where 0% is utter chaos and 100% is total cosmos.
This Lawful scale doesn't necessarily judge how committed to the system you are, even though one could guess so from the name since the system usually holds the law, but instead it means how sorted internally you are, and how likely it is for you to choose cosmos over chaos.
You are neutral, and are as such an individual who either doesn't mind one over the other of chaos and stillness, or can go both ways depending on how you feel. You don't necessarily follow laws that blindly, and you don't act too randomly.
The Evil-Good scale is quite easily figured out, being the morale scale, and on this you scored 83%, where 0% is totally evil and 100% is completely good.
Now, evil here on this scale doesn't necessarily mean you're out to make people suffer. It means ego-centering and glorification of one's ego. You, being good, would be likely to be compassionate and empathic to those around you.
For example, a doctor who treats soldiers from both sides in a war could be considered neutral good. A character who does what his heart tells him to without really caring where it takes him, and without going into extremes, would also be neutral good.
1 comment:
Mateo's waaaay too nice! But that is exactly what makes him an interesting character, I guess.
I took the test too and got this: "You scored 49% Lawful and 53% Good, which makes you True Neutral.". It basically means I don't give a shit about anything.
Me so boring :P
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