Thursday, September 10, 2009


Han pasado un par de meses desde que tome mi primer curso de esgrima y solo tengo un adjetivo para tal deporte: Divertido.
This is the first sport that I decided to practice, as in actually doing it! instead of just pretending to be doing sports during physical education at high school. It might be just my fetishs at play for liking the tight white uniforms and metal hoods, he he he... But for whatever reason I got interested in this sport, once I started the combats the fun started.
Every combat is different, and fast, very very fast. For every new opponent you need a new strategy. The technique involved in holding the foil got my attention, the way the arm's engineering is used as an extension of the foil amazed me.

fotografia de Amaya

Pondre en hiatus este deporte para enfocarme en aprender a nadar. Flotar ya no es tan divertido como cuando lo descubri hace meses.
(si alguien me explica como escribir acentos con un teclado mac, se lo agradecere mucho)

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